After several weeks of development and consultations, the Supply UK Calm Networks online training course has now gone live!
The package consists of course material, an instructional video and a multi-choice examination to be taken by water access operatives. This to be rolled out to Water Utilities and Sub Contractors on an ongoing basis.
Protean Systems designed and host the course on behalf of Supply UK Water Services.
Each examination entrant has to first fill out an application form, payment can be made online or a special coupon code can be used.
After completing the form, an email is sent to the applicant and the information is stored in a central database. The confirmation email contains further instructions and a link to the course pages.

After completing the application form and entering the course, a wizard guides attendees though the various steps.
The calm networks course consists of an introduction and video, followed by the examination. The wizard steps the attendee through the three course stages in a simple intuitive fashion.