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Team Work Gets Us There In The End

by User Not Found | Apr 26, 2015

A Build Process  

So when it came to the actual building of the website there had to be a lot of team work and this involved using my skills and contacts to constantly test the new website. Now this might seem like a little job but when it came to the testing lists upon lists were created. This was not bad news for me but it was for the builder of the website. 

This was one such list 

  1. Header Logo - click works on full image
  2. Right hand sub menu - at lower width was wrapping - changed padding! (Apps Case Study - Examinations)
  3. On mobile-size menus - when main toggle menu clicked, the section menu must not be visible and vice versa!
  4. Main mobile menu toggle - hover changed to darker green
  5. Team - Added emails for all
  6. Main Phone changed to "blue"
  7. Multiple FavIcons (appears on browser tab)
  8. No logo on the footer
  9. Footer - fill bottom with grey for devices with high portrait!
  10. Company & Vat Registration numbers on Contact page

Now they might not seem big points but when you get a few lists going it can be a lot of work but in the end having all the different forms of testers has been very useful as the website is now more functional and has no errors in it   

By Jonathan Web Developer